Ubuntu- It contains all the programs that you need: A viewer for Internet,office suite for word processing, spreadsheets and presentations,programs for communication to the Internet and many others.
Additional Information:
The system introduced Gnome 3, and all associated with the application:
Heres the full list:
Network Manager 0.8.9997
Evolution 3.0.2
Nautilus 3.0.2
Gedit 3.0.4, Totem 3.0.1
GNOME Control Center 3.0. 2
Firefox 5.0 Beta 2
LibreOffice 3.3.2,
Shotwell 0.9.2
Compiz 0.9.4 (version is the same as in Natty)
Empathy 2.34.0
Banshee 2.1.0, Gwibber
Xorg Server 1.10.1
Kernel Linux 2.6.39-3
Alpha version is to ask only for experimental purposes, if you need a working system I recommend to the previous version
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