AudioMulch 2.0.4


Fixed hung notes and/or plugin crashes when using VSTi plugins controlled by MIDI. The bug occurred when MIDI data is received on multiple MIDI channels simultaneously and the plugin Receive Channel is set to a single channel (i.e. not "None" or "All").
- Fixed intermittent crash when displaying a VST generic editor while audio is running: "assertion failed: slider != 0"
- Fixed rare crash while previewing a sound file in the open sound file dialog: "assertion failed: lastAlloc_->Blocksize()==size"
- Mac 10.6 (Snow Leopard): Fixed audio freeze when selecting files in open sound file dialog.
- Mac: Fixed crash on startup if Preferences .plist file had become corrupted. Fixed preferences mechanism to avoid Preferences corruption.
- Mac: Fixed bug where sometimes double clicking on an AudioMulch document in Finder would launch the help viewer instead of AudioMulch.

AudioMulch allows you to make music by patching together a range of sound producing and processing modules. Unlike some patcher-based programming environments