Nuev@ Applesan@
Alcohol Audio 180% 3.0 is writing down, copying, transformation, in audio-CD or MP3-CD or digital videodiske, phonogram of musical digital videodiskov on the tape player of MP3.С by this program you are king of music. Writing down, copying, converting and other operations with audio disks will be become easy and simple.
AUDIO of STREAMER 3,0 with audio Streamer take up you to the zero tariff your Tophits out over 10.000 Internet radio transmitters.
AUDIO RECORDER 3,0 takes up simply everything over the similar sound map exit (WAV exit) in Top quality directly as MP3.
Audio CD Ripper 3,0 come in such a way your hits of audio CD on the MP3 Player. Selections and convert CDs from audio to MP3, WMA, OGG Vorbis and WAV files.
SOUND EDITOR 3,0 in such a way sound your MP3 better than the original of Tape or Vinyl - digital with the sound editor to rem asters you your old Schдtzchen and elevators you photographs of age-old Vinyls with highly transparent digital sound.
AUDIO CD BURNER 3,0 MP3 as audio CD e.g. for on the way in the car burn! The audio CD burner makes from your MP3s; OGG Vorbis files, WMAs and also WAV genuine audio CDs.
MP3 CD BURNER 3,0 burns MP3 on MP3-CDs, MP3-DVDs also dual Layer! - so each party guaranteed to your party!
Audio converter 3,0 conclusion with the format salad - MP3 converts. WAV. OGG and WMA as desired in all directions.
iPOD UPDATER the interface to iPod - in such a way your hits come comfortably on your Lieblingsplayer
AUDIO PLAYER 3,0 music hearing without detours - direct MP3s or audio CDs (e.g. WinAmp or Windows Media Player) to hear and enjoy
AUDIO of STREAMER 3,0 with audio Streamer take up you to the zero tariff your Tophits out over 10.000 Internet radio transmitters.
AUDIO RECORDER 3,0 takes up simply everything over the similar sound map exit (WAV exit) in Top quality directly as MP3.
Audio CD Ripper 3,0 come in such a way your hits of audio CD on the MP3 Player. Selections and convert CDs from audio to MP3, WMA, OGG Vorbis and WAV files.
SOUND EDITOR 3,0 in such a way sound your MP3 better than the original of Tape or Vinyl - digital with the sound editor to rem asters you your old Schдtzchen and elevators you photographs of age-old Vinyls with highly transparent digital sound.
AUDIO CD BURNER 3,0 MP3 as audio CD e.g. for on the way in the car burn! The audio CD burner makes from your MP3s; OGG Vorbis files, WMAs and also WAV genuine audio CDs.
MP3 CD BURNER 3,0 burns MP3 on MP3-CDs, MP3-DVDs also dual Layer! - so each party guaranteed to your party!
Audio converter 3,0 conclusion with the format salad - MP3 converts. WAV. OGG and WMA as desired in all directions.
iPOD UPDATER the interface to iPod - in such a way your hits come comfortably on your Lieblingsplayer
AUDIO PLAYER 3,0 music hearing without detours - direct MP3s or audio CDs (e.g. WinAmp or Windows Media Player) to hear and enjoy