Ultimate v9.0.0.9000


Nuev@ Applesan@ Ultimate v9.0.0.9000. A suite of tools for increasing the operating system performance. cleanly removes unwanted software from disk drives and dead references from the Windows registry. puts you in control of the Windows start up process, memory monitoring and gives you the power to customize desktop and system settings to fit your needs. Adds more speed and stability for your connection. Ensures your privacy and keep sensitive information secure. Professional contains tools: Clean Uninstaller, Scan Files, Scan Registry, Start Up, Tweak UI, Net Tweaker, The Privacy.

Clean Uninstaller - This tool is used for both correctly removing software and for monitoring changes made to the hard drive, MS Windows registry and system files during program installations. Don't leech from Scan Files - This tool is used for periodic cleaning of your hard drive from dead references, junk and obsolete files produced by different software. These files and references remain on the hard disk and increase drive access time.

Scan Registry - This tool is used for periodic cleaning of the MS Windows registry from unused applications remained after uninstallation and from invalid references which decrease system speed and system loading time. Start Up - This is a startup manager. This tool allows you to monitor, add, remove, enable and/or disable individual startup items. You can also adjust applications initialized during the loading process of the operating system.

Tweak UI - This is a set of additional adjustments related to safety, system capacity and user preferences and which are not included into basic components of MS Windows. Net Tweaker - The tool is used for speed increasing of data transfer and for greater stability of connection by changing hidden network settings. The Privacy - This is a kit of tools which ensure your privacy and keep sensitive information secure. It consists of three basic parts: "Objects to Erase", "Invisible Man" and "File Shredder".

Clean Uninstaller - This tool is used for both correctly removing software and for monitoring changes made to the hard drive, MS Windows registry and system files during program installations.
Scan Files - This tool is used for periodic cleaning of your hard drive from dead references, junk and obsolete files produced by different software. These files and references remain on the hard disk and increase drive access time.

Scan Registry - This tool is used for periodic cleaning of the MS Windows registry from unused applications remained after uninstallation and from invalid references which decrease system speed and system loading time.

Start Up - This is a startup manager. This tool allows you to monitor, add, remove, enable and/or disable individual startup items. You can also adjust applications initialized during the loading process of the operating system.
Tweak UI - This is a set of additional adjustments related to safety, system capacity and user preferences and which are not included into basic components of MS Windows.

Changes in version 9.0.0 (November 01, 2008)
+ MS Windows VISTA x64 compatibility was added
+ a Stop button for Clean Uninstaller control point creating was added
+ a Stop button for Clean Uninstaller control point analyzing was added
+ set focus on Edit Control of Clean Uninstaller report dialog
+ context menu for Installed entries list of Clean Uninstaller was added
+ context menu for View File button of Clean Uninstaller was added
+ mouse double click action for some lists of Clean Uninstaller
+ special icon for System Drive of Scan Files
+ file and folder icons for Scan Files List
+ a new icon of program 256x256 was added
+ icons of program menu were changed
+ context menu for Control Panels list of TweakUI was added
+ context menu for OEM Drivers list of TweakUI was added
+ context menu for Screen Savers list of TweakUI was added
+ context menu for IE Favorites list of The Privacy was added
+ Logo And Support Info tab was added to TweakUI
+ Thanks To... dialog box was added to About panel
+ DATA.BAK Microsoft Office exclude was added
* a bug of false report in Clean Uninstaller was fixed
* a bug of incorrect window switch of Clean Uninstaller tab was fixed
* a bug with Delete button in Clean Uninstaller was fixed
* incorrect help for View button of Clean Uninstaller was fixed
* a Stop button bug of Scan Files was fixed
* incorrect key view of Scan Registry tool was fixed
* some memory leakages were fixed