Nuev@ Applesan@
A ver si por aquí hay alguien que le sepa bien a la cosa del hackeo. Me he bajado un torrent con el Quake 4. Lo he instalado junto con el crack que viene para Universal pero al querer iniciar el juego sólo aparecía brevemente la ventana de inicio e inmediatamente me sacaba. Lo que hice fue bajar el último parche (1.4.2) y luego sobre ese meter el crack, pero me sucedía algo parecido: sólo se ve la página que dice "loading..." pero tras unos segundos me saca nuevamente. Este es mi reporte de error. Saludos:
--------- Initializing File System ----------
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/game000.pk4 with checksum 0xb3abe28c
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/game100.pk4 with checksum 0x74b379d9
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/game200.pk4 with checksum 0xa3c810d9
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak001.pk4 with checksum 0xf2cbc998
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak002.pk4 with checksum 0x7f8d80d1
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak003.pk4 with checksum 0x1b57b207
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak004.pk4 with checksum 0x385aa578
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak005.pk4 with checksum 0x60d50a1d
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak006.pk4 with checksum 0x9099ed11
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak007.pk4 with checksum 0xaf301fff
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak008.pk4 with checksum 0x4ac6f6d9
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak009.pk4 with checksum 0x36030c7d
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak010.pk4 with checksum 0x4b80fbda
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak011.pk4 with checksum 0x8acf4cfa
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak012.pk4 with checksum 0xbe4120b0
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak013.pk4 with checksum 0x6ad67f40
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak014.pk4 with checksum 0xee51cd59
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak015.pk4 with checksum 0xf5bf4e0c
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak016.pk4 with checksum 0x2196f58c
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak017.pk4 with checksum 0x91118a35
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak018.pk4 with checksum 0x98a14f03
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak019.pk4 with checksum 0xbc82ac79
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak020.pk4 with checksum 0xce74cda5
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak021.pk4 with checksum 0x2ba6e70c
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak022.pk4 with checksum 0x4e390eec
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/q4cmp_pak001.pk4 with checksum 0xd0813943
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/english/q4base/zpak_english.pk4 with checksum 0x5868f530
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/english/q4base/zpak_english_01.pk4 with checksum 0xd9f04b8b
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/english/q4base/zpak_english_02.pk4 with checksum 0x9dbd91fd
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/english/q4base/zpak_english_03.pk4 with checksum 0x2eb6ad8
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/english/q4base/zpak_english_04.pk4 with checksum 0xd3fefaa1
Addon pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/q4cmp_pak001.pk4 with checksum 0xd0813943 is on addon list
Current search path:
/Users/Fernando/Library/Application Support/Quake4/q4base
/Applications/Quake 4/english/q4base
/Applications/Quake 4/english/q4base/zpak_english_04.pk4 (3 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/english/q4base/zpak_english_03.pk4 (4 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/english/q4base/zpak_english_02.pk4 (21 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/english/q4base/zpak_english_01.pk4 (1 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/english/q4base/zpak_english.pk4 (3457 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak022.pk4 (14 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak021.pk4 (89 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak020.pk4 (11 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak019.pk4 (1206 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak018.pk4 (3 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak017.pk4 (3 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak016.pk4 (193 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak015.pk4 (34 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak014.pk4 (552 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak013.pk4 (239 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak012.pk4 (1081 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak011.pk4 (5620 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak010.pk4 (5539 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak009.pk4 (1284 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak008.pk4 (1289 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak007.pk4 (1330 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak006.pk4 (1343 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak005.pk4 (1395 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak004.pk4 (2249 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak003.pk4 (1281 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak002.pk4 (313 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak001.pk4 (5837 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/game200.pk4 (9 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/game100.pk4 (2 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/game000.pk4 (2 files)
game DLL: 0x0 in pak: 0x0
Addon pk4s:
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/q4cmp_pak001.pk4 (119 files)
file system initialized.
------------ Initializing Decls -------------
Loading guides.... 64 loaded
WARNING: file materials/, line 175: material 'models/mapobjects/multiplayer/jump_pad/jump_pad_color' previously defined at materials/
WARNING: file materials/, line 199: material 'models/mapobjects/multiplayer/jump_pad/jump_pad_color_glow' previously defined at materials/
WARNING: file materials/, line 224: material 'models/mapobjects/multiplayer/acceleration_pad/acceleration_pad_color' previously defined at materials/
WARNING: file materials/, line 242: material 'models/mapobjects/multiplayer/acceleration_pad/arrows_color' previously defined at materials/
WARNING: file materials/, line 10: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/stroy_pillar1_orange' previously defined at materials/
WARNING: file materials/, line 18: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/stroy_pillar1_green' previously defined at materials/
WARNING: file materials/, line 26: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/tun6_green' previously defined at materials/
WARNING: file materials/, line 34: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/tun6small_green' previously defined at materials/
WARNING: file materials/, line 42: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/tunbump_green' previously defined at materials/
WARNING: file materials/, line 50: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/tunpipe_green' previously defined at materials/
WARNING: file materials/, line 58: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/tunpipe_orange' previously defined at materials/
WARNING: file materials/, line 66: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/tunpipe2_orange' previously defined at materials/
WARNING: file materials/, line 74: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/tunpipe2_green' previously defined at materials/
WARNING: file materials/, line 92: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/tunwall12_orange' previously defined at materials/
WARNING: file materials/, line 100: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/tunwall12_green' previously defined at materials/
WARNING: file materials/, line 108: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/tunwall15_orange' previously defined at materials/
WARNING: file materials/, line 116: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/tunwall15_green' previously defined at materials/
WARNING: file materials/, line 139: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/concrete09asmooth' previously defined at materials/
WARNING: file materials/, line 140: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/concrete09smooth' previously defined at materials/
WARNING: file materials/, line 141: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/concrete04smooth' previously defined at materials/
263ms to load 1125k of material
69ms to load 43k of skin
180ms to load 723k of sound
4ms to load 1k of materialType
415ms to load 2889k of lipSync
60ms to load 105k of playback
1063ms to load 1690k of effect
-------- Initializing renderSystem ----------
Spawning back end thread...
using ARB renderSystem
renderSystem initialized.
Found default language English with VO
.... found additional language 'french' without VO
.... found additional language 'italian' without VO
.... found additional language 'spanish' without VO
696 strings read from strings/english_code.lang
1794 strings read from strings/english_guis.lang
5756 strings read from strings/english_lips.lang
5759 strings read from strings/english_mappack.lang
6235 strings read from strings/english_maps.lang
3 strings read from strings/french_mappack.lang
3 strings read from strings/italian_mappack.lang
3 strings read from strings/spanish_mappack.lang
Couldn't open journal files
execing default.cfg
couldn't exec editor.cfg
couldn't exec Quake4Config.cfg
couldn't exec autoexec.cfg
-------- Initializing Sound System ----------
sound system initialized.
--------------- R_InitOpenGL ----------------
Initializing SDL subsystem
8/8/8/8 RGBA bits, 24 depth bits, 8 stencil bits
...checking for ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT: succeeded
3 sound device(s)
0: ID 260, Built-in Microphone - Apple Computer, Inc.
1: ID 258, Built-in Input - Apple Computer, Inc.
2: ID 262, Built-in Output - Apple Computer, Inc.
select default device, ID 262
current nominal rate: 44100
current frame size: 512
frame size allowed range: 14 6144
setting frame size to: 4096
using stereo channel IDs 1 2
...using GL_ARB_multitexture
...using GL_ARB_texture_env_combine
...using GL_ARB_texture_cube_map
...using GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3
...using GL_ARB_texture_env_add
...using GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two
...using GL_NV_blend_square
...using GL_ARB_texture_compression
...using GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc
...using GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
maxTextureAnisotropy: 16.000000
...using GL_1.4_texture_lod_bias
X..GL_EXT_shared_texture_palette not found
...using GL_EXT_draw_range_elements
...using GL_EXT_blend_minmax
X..GL_NV_float_buffer not found
X..GL_EXT_texture3D not found
...using GL_EXT_stencil_wrap
X..GL_NV_register_combiners not found
X..NV_vertex_program not found
...using GL_EXT_stencil_two_side
X..GL_ATI_fragment_shader not found
...using GL_ATI_text_fragment_shader
...using GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object
...using GL_ARB_vertex_program
...using GL_ARB_fragment_program
...using GL_ARB_shader_objects
...using GL_ARB_fragment_shader
...using GL_ARB_vertex_shader
...using GL_ARB_shading_language_100
X..EXT_depth_bounds_test not found
---------------- R_NV20_Init ----------------
Not available.
----------------- R200_Init -----------------
---------------- R_ARB2_Init ----------------
------------ R_ReloadARBPrograms ------------
using ARB_vertex_buffer_object memory
using ARB2 renderSystem
reloading textures/common/debuggraph.
reloading makeIntensity( gfx/lights/squarelight1a).
reloading gfx/lights/squarelight1.
reloading gfx/lights/round.
reloading gfx/guis/mainmenu/splash.
reloading gfx/guis/soundmeter/audiobg.
reloading gfx/guis/white.
reloading gfx/guis/guicursor_arrow.
reloading gfx/guis/guicursor_hand.
reloading gfx/guis/scrollbarh.
reloading gfx/guis/scrollbarv.
reloading gfx/guis/scrollbar_thumb.
reloading gfx/guis/scrollbar_right.
reloading gfx/guis/scrollbar_left.
reloading gfx/guis/scrollbar_up.
reloading gfx/guis/scrollbar_down.
reloading fonts/english/bigchars.
found DLL in pak file: /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/game200.pk4/
copy to /Users/Fernando/Library/Application Support/Quake4/q4base/
TODO: Sys_SetClipboardData
ERROR: wrong game DLL API version
Sys_Error: Error during initialization
2007-10-05 08:22:01.887 Camouflage[175] strange flags: 0x1 on display: 0x4271800
2007-10-05 08:27:27.314 System Profiler[9036] *** -[NSBundle load]: Error loading code /Library/InputManagers/Menu Extra Enabler/Menu Extra Enabler.bundle/Contents/MacOS/Menu Extra Enabler for bundle /Library/InputManagers/Menu Extra Enabler/Menu Extra Enabler.bundle, error code 2 (link edit error code 0, error number 0 ())
--------- Initializing File System ----------
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/game000.pk4 with checksum 0xb3abe28c
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/game100.pk4 with checksum 0x74b379d9
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/game200.pk4 with checksum 0xa3c810d9
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak001.pk4 with checksum 0xf2cbc998
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak002.pk4 with checksum 0x7f8d80d1
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak003.pk4 with checksum 0x1b57b207
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak004.pk4 with checksum 0x385aa578
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak005.pk4 with checksum 0x60d50a1d
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak006.pk4 with checksum 0x9099ed11
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak007.pk4 with checksum 0xaf301fff
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak008.pk4 with checksum 0x4ac6f6d9
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak009.pk4 with checksum 0x36030c7d
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak010.pk4 with checksum 0x4b80fbda
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak011.pk4 with checksum 0x8acf4cfa
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak012.pk4 with checksum 0xbe4120b0
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak013.pk4 with checksum 0x6ad67f40
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak014.pk4 with checksum 0xee51cd59
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak015.pk4 with checksum 0xf5bf4e0c
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak016.pk4 with checksum 0x2196f58c
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak017.pk4 with checksum 0x91118a35
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak018.pk4 with checksum 0x98a14f03
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak019.pk4 with checksum 0xbc82ac79
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak020.pk4 with checksum 0xce74cda5
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak021.pk4 with checksum 0x2ba6e70c
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak022.pk4 with checksum 0x4e390eec
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/q4cmp_pak001.pk4 with checksum 0xd0813943
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/english/q4base/zpak_english.pk4 with checksum 0x5868f530
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/english/q4base/zpak_english_01.pk4 with checksum 0xd9f04b8b
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/english/q4base/zpak_english_02.pk4 with checksum 0x9dbd91fd
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/english/q4base/zpak_english_03.pk4 with checksum 0x2eb6ad8
Loaded pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/english/q4base/zpak_english_04.pk4 with checksum 0xd3fefaa1
Addon pk4 /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/q4cmp_pak001.pk4 with checksum 0xd0813943 is on addon list
Current search path:
/Users/Fernando/Library/Application Support/Quake4/q4base
/Applications/Quake 4/english/q4base
/Applications/Quake 4/english/q4base/zpak_english_04.pk4 (3 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/english/q4base/zpak_english_03.pk4 (4 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/english/q4base/zpak_english_02.pk4 (21 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/english/q4base/zpak_english_01.pk4 (1 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/english/q4base/zpak_english.pk4 (3457 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak022.pk4 (14 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak021.pk4 (89 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak020.pk4 (11 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak019.pk4 (1206 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak018.pk4 (3 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak017.pk4 (3 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak016.pk4 (193 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak015.pk4 (34 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak014.pk4 (552 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak013.pk4 (239 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak012.pk4 (1081 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak011.pk4 (5620 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak010.pk4 (5539 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak009.pk4 (1284 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak008.pk4 (1289 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak007.pk4 (1330 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak006.pk4 (1343 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak005.pk4 (1395 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak004.pk4 (2249 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak003.pk4 (1281 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak002.pk4 (313 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/pak001.pk4 (5837 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/game200.pk4 (9 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/game100.pk4 (2 files)
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/game000.pk4 (2 files)
game DLL: 0x0 in pak: 0x0
Addon pk4s:
/Applications/Quake 4/q4base/q4cmp_pak001.pk4 (119 files)
file system initialized.
------------ Initializing Decls -------------
Loading guides.... 64 loaded
WARNING: file materials/, line 175: material 'models/mapobjects/multiplayer/jump_pad/jump_pad_color' previously defined at materials/
WARNING: file materials/, line 199: material 'models/mapobjects/multiplayer/jump_pad/jump_pad_color_glow' previously defined at materials/
WARNING: file materials/, line 224: material 'models/mapobjects/multiplayer/acceleration_pad/acceleration_pad_color' previously defined at materials/
WARNING: file materials/, line 242: material 'models/mapobjects/multiplayer/acceleration_pad/arrows_color' previously defined at materials/
WARNING: file materials/, line 10: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/stroy_pillar1_orange' previously defined at materials/
WARNING: file materials/, line 18: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/stroy_pillar1_green' previously defined at materials/
WARNING: file materials/, line 26: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/tun6_green' previously defined at materials/
WARNING: file materials/, line 34: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/tun6small_green' previously defined at materials/
WARNING: file materials/, line 42: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/tunbump_green' previously defined at materials/
WARNING: file materials/, line 50: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/tunpipe_green' previously defined at materials/
WARNING: file materials/, line 58: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/tunpipe_orange' previously defined at materials/
WARNING: file materials/, line 66: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/tunpipe2_orange' previously defined at materials/
WARNING: file materials/, line 74: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/tunpipe2_green' previously defined at materials/
WARNING: file materials/, line 92: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/tunwall12_orange' previously defined at materials/
WARNING: file materials/, line 100: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/tunwall12_green' previously defined at materials/
WARNING: file materials/, line 108: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/tunwall15_orange' previously defined at materials/
WARNING: file materials/, line 116: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/tunwall15_green' previously defined at materials/
WARNING: file materials/, line 139: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/concrete09asmooth' previously defined at materials/
WARNING: file materials/, line 140: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/concrete09smooth' previously defined at materials/
WARNING: file materials/, line 141: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/concrete04smooth' previously defined at materials/
263ms to load 1125k of material
69ms to load 43k of skin
180ms to load 723k of sound
4ms to load 1k of materialType
415ms to load 2889k of lipSync
60ms to load 105k of playback
1063ms to load 1690k of effect
-------- Initializing renderSystem ----------
Spawning back end thread...
using ARB renderSystem
renderSystem initialized.
Found default language English with VO
.... found additional language 'french' without VO
.... found additional language 'italian' without VO
.... found additional language 'spanish' without VO
696 strings read from strings/english_code.lang
1794 strings read from strings/english_guis.lang
5756 strings read from strings/english_lips.lang
5759 strings read from strings/english_mappack.lang
6235 strings read from strings/english_maps.lang
3 strings read from strings/french_mappack.lang
3 strings read from strings/italian_mappack.lang
3 strings read from strings/spanish_mappack.lang
Couldn't open journal files
execing default.cfg
couldn't exec editor.cfg
couldn't exec Quake4Config.cfg
couldn't exec autoexec.cfg
-------- Initializing Sound System ----------
sound system initialized.
--------------- R_InitOpenGL ----------------
Initializing SDL subsystem
8/8/8/8 RGBA bits, 24 depth bits, 8 stencil bits
...checking for ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT: succeeded
3 sound device(s)
0: ID 260, Built-in Microphone - Apple Computer, Inc.
1: ID 258, Built-in Input - Apple Computer, Inc.
2: ID 262, Built-in Output - Apple Computer, Inc.
select default device, ID 262
current nominal rate: 44100
current frame size: 512
frame size allowed range: 14 6144
setting frame size to: 4096
using stereo channel IDs 1 2
...using GL_ARB_multitexture
...using GL_ARB_texture_env_combine
...using GL_ARB_texture_cube_map
...using GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3
...using GL_ARB_texture_env_add
...using GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two
...using GL_NV_blend_square
...using GL_ARB_texture_compression
...using GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc
...using GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
maxTextureAnisotropy: 16.000000
...using GL_1.4_texture_lod_bias
X..GL_EXT_shared_texture_palette not found
...using GL_EXT_draw_range_elements
...using GL_EXT_blend_minmax
X..GL_NV_float_buffer not found
X..GL_EXT_texture3D not found
...using GL_EXT_stencil_wrap
X..GL_NV_register_combiners not found
X..NV_vertex_program not found
...using GL_EXT_stencil_two_side
X..GL_ATI_fragment_shader not found
...using GL_ATI_text_fragment_shader
...using GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object
...using GL_ARB_vertex_program
...using GL_ARB_fragment_program
...using GL_ARB_shader_objects
...using GL_ARB_fragment_shader
...using GL_ARB_vertex_shader
...using GL_ARB_shading_language_100
X..EXT_depth_bounds_test not found
---------------- R_NV20_Init ----------------
Not available.
----------------- R200_Init -----------------
---------------- R_ARB2_Init ----------------
------------ R_ReloadARBPrograms ------------
using ARB_vertex_buffer_object memory
using ARB2 renderSystem
reloading textures/common/debuggraph.
reloading makeIntensity( gfx/lights/squarelight1a).
reloading gfx/lights/squarelight1.
reloading gfx/lights/round.
reloading gfx/guis/mainmenu/splash.
reloading gfx/guis/soundmeter/audiobg.
reloading gfx/guis/white.
reloading gfx/guis/guicursor_arrow.
reloading gfx/guis/guicursor_hand.
reloading gfx/guis/scrollbarh.
reloading gfx/guis/scrollbarv.
reloading gfx/guis/scrollbar_thumb.
reloading gfx/guis/scrollbar_right.
reloading gfx/guis/scrollbar_left.
reloading gfx/guis/scrollbar_up.
reloading gfx/guis/scrollbar_down.
reloading fonts/english/bigchars.
found DLL in pak file: /Applications/Quake 4/q4base/game200.pk4/
copy to /Users/Fernando/Library/Application Support/Quake4/q4base/
TODO: Sys_SetClipboardData
ERROR: wrong game DLL API version
Sys_Error: Error during initialization
2007-10-05 08:22:01.887 Camouflage[175] strange flags: 0x1 on display: 0x4271800
2007-10-05 08:27:27.314 System Profiler[9036] *** -[NSBundle load]: Error loading code /Library/InputManagers/Menu Extra Enabler/Menu Extra Enabler.bundle/Contents/MacOS/Menu Extra Enabler for bundle /Library/InputManagers/Menu Extra Enabler/Menu Extra Enabler.bundle, error code 2 (link edit error code 0, error number 0 ())