Portable AIMP 2.5 Build 270 RC3


Nuev@ Applesan@
AIMP is a powerful audio player that allows you to listen to your favorite music with an outstanding sound quality. Its appearance resembles that of another classical audio player (Winamp), so you'll get used to it very quickly. It can also be customized with skins. The program includes a 18-band equalizer, a visualization window to display rhythmic visual effects and a playlist editor to organize your audio files. A nice fading effect makes your list of songs look like an endless music loop and a handy volume normalizing feature avoids drastic volume changes between tracks.

Also, the player\'s main functions can be conveniently controlled by global hotkeys. Besides playing music, AIMP features three extra utilities which also enable you to record any sound on your computer, convert audio files from one format to another and view or edit tags. AIMP is based on the well-known audio engine BASS, so it\'s easy to connect new plug-ins (from the plug-in library included in the program) and expand the player\'s functionalities.

• Audio Library, Sound Recorder, Audio Converter/CD Grabber and Tag Editor...
• Support for large number of formats and playlists ...
• Work with multiple playlist immediately, creation of bookmarks, playback queue ...
• Design Great functionality and user-friendly interface ...

Main features:
* Audio formats supported: MP1, MP2, MP3, MPC, MP+, AAC, AC3, OGG, FLAC, APE, WavPack, Speex, WAV, CDA, WMA, S3M, XM, MOD, IT, MO3, MTM, UMX
* Good functionality and friendly user interface
* 18-sliders equalizer and build-in sound effects: Reverb, Flanger, Chorus, Pitch, Tempo, Echo, Speed
* 32-bit sound processing: for crystal clear sound
* Works with few playlists: Listern one, work with other
* Plug-Ins support: You can add new utils or extend already exists, and connect some winamp plugins: Input, Gen, DSP
* Autoshutdown manager
* Internet-Radio: Listern and Capture!
* Bookmarks and Queues
* Hotkeys: Customizable local and global hotkeys
* Multilingual interface
* Multiuser mode support: Few users works unders one computer? It's no problem!
* Full Unicode support
* File search: File search by all opened playlists
* Many program options
* Small distributive size
* Audio Converter: Any supported audio file can be encoded to WAV, MP3, WMA or OGG format
* Audio Grabber: Audio CD Track can be encoded to WAV, MP3, WMA or OGG format
* Sound Recorder: Capture sound from any audio device in your system to mp3, ogg, wav or wma format
* Advanced Tag Editor: Edit ID3v1, ID3v2, Vorbis, WMA tags. Grouping rename, group editing and sort files by one of templates.
* Audio Library

Changes in AIMP v2.50 (11.05.2008):

+ BASS v2.4 engine
+ New PluginController
+ New abilities for Addon-plugins
+ Ability to add your owen bookmarks to options
+ Ability to wirk with playlist's Save/Load functions
+ Advanced playlist's abilities
+ New HotKey Manager
+ Ability to set both global and local keys for all functions
+ Improved Multimedia keys working
+ New DSP Engine
+ Logarithmic volume control added
+ Sound normalization **** added
+ Channel reversing **** added (for stereo only)
+ Voice removing **** added
+ Silence skip (then playing) **** added
+ Stereo Enhancer **** added (for stereo only)
+ Improved work with Winamp DSP
+ New Winamp Input Wrapper
+ New SkinsEngine
+ Added ability to add buttons / ńheck box / scrollbars
+ Added ability to align elements with "centre"
+ Added ability to align text in labels
+ Programm's code optimization

Audio Library
+ Quick search in grouping tree
+ Ability to choose table column's position
+ New DB service menu
+ New library interface
+ Quick navigation panel
+ FLAC / APE support
+ Expanded fusion with player
+ Saving relative file paths from removable drives

+ Programm's code optimization
+ m3u8 playlists support
+ The playlist name becomes folder name if folder added
+ Scrolling playlist bookmarks by mouse wheel
+ Data caching reduced
+ Load / Save playlist's operations accelerated
+ Automatic sort playlist function with window "Playlist Customization"

+ Ability of autosaving playlists with the path it was opened from (previously it was saving to the profile folder)
+ Ability to use "if" statement in string masks
+ Genres are ordered by name
+ "Stop" button blinking then option "Stoped after track played" is on
+ MIDI / MOD files play options
+ Displaying of true track names instead of signs "next / previous file" on navigation buttons
+ Displaying of player status in tray hint
+ Ability to order code table to none-Unicode strings
+ Patching of function "copy to folder" - "recent folders" list added
+ New play / capture Internet-radio unit
+ New settings screen ergonomics
+ Main windows transparency settings extended
+ New Quick Tag Editor
+ Copy data to buffer button added
+ Copy file to buffer button added
+ Autofill tags function from file name / file's path
+ New design
+ New bookmarks manager
+ View preference
+ Extended search
+ Ability to set lists for file search
+ Displaying of file number in order

Audio Converter
+ New converter engine
+ Switched on command-line coders
+ New interface
+ FLAC, AAC, MPC/MP+ added

Advanced Tag Editor
+ Programm's code optimization
+ Added AutoTag function
+ New interface
+ Ability to set cover to several files
+ Ability to remove tags of several files