Phase One Media Pro


Media Pro (was iView Media Pro and Microsoft Expression Media) allows you to import photos direct from a digital camera or create catalogs simply by dragging and dropping. Microsoft Expression Media creates media catalogs containing thumbnails and annotations that can be viewed even when the original files are no longer on a mounted drive.

It also allows you to burn media onto a CDROM or back up media to a removable volume. Organizing your media into catalogs allows you to search and retrieve media, based on annotations (IPTC) such as caption, keywords or digital camera (EXIF) information. You can use media in Microsoft Expression Media catalogs to create slide show presentations, print multi-image reports, export into one of several export options, as well as calibrate them in order to enhance their color, brightness, or other visual characteristic.

New user preferences and other improvements for background rendering.
New preview sizes of 1920, 2560 and 3200.
Many optimizations and improvements to handling of large catalogs.
60 days trial.
Improved Integration:
Drag and dropping existing media items into the list, thumbnail or media view will cause these to be selected and rebuild.
Media support:
Support for images from additional cameras when using the Phase One renderer.
Added support for SVG on Mac.
Bug fixes:
GPS latitude and longitude now supported for importing/exporting from XMP (sidecar or embedded.
Fixed an issue with Hierarchical Keywords when copying or moving media from one catalog to another.
Fixed a problem for the reader which could result in disappearing thumbnails.
The correct IPTC code key is now used of IPTC Country ISO import/export.
Sort direction indicator in list view now appears in the right place.
Fixed issue which could result in SRW/SR2 files displaying incorrect dimensions.
Prevented some undesired uses of embedded previews.
Large number of fixes for cosmetic and minor issues.
Fixed an issue with Import Items > From Camera for German language.
Improved thumbnail rotation speed.
Media view now respects user-defined interpolation method when scaling up, except under Snow Leopard.
The Reader now always prefers the Phase One renderer.
Improved speed when rendering via QuickLook.
Fixed an issue which could result in unwanted XMP sidecar files after media file removal.
Fixed an issue that could prevent some basic image metadata from being imported. 
Fixed orientation issues for some file formats.
Fixed issue which could result in file importing stalls.
Fixed issues preventing .x3f (FOV) and Freehand previews/thumbnails from importing.
Support for multiple Capture One versions appearing in Helper Applications.
Fixed issue which prevented the use of the standard Apple Help system.
Fixed issue with MOS/MEF/IIQ/EIP/P1 TIFF importing and rendering slowly when Apple render engine selected.
Fixed issue which could result in media items being "imported" multiple times.
Fixed some localization issues.
Fixed some stability issues related to importing.
Added support for Microsoft Outlook from Action>Send Email function and automatically adding it to Helper Applications.
Fixed issue which could cause drag-and-drop reordering of Hierarchical Keywords to disappear and reappear in Catalog Sets.
Fixed issue which could cause Find Missing > Search to not properly handle media with long filenames.
Additional safeguarding against overwriting existing files when exporting contact sheets.
Fixed some UI issues with the Light Table.
Enabling Find... when no catalogs are open.
Fixed issue that could prevent some color profiles from being applied to converted images.
Set Finder Properties actions now log activity and errors to the log window.
Increased max limit for skipping large images from 100MB to 250MB.
Now ignores/suppresses QuickTime's "AppleMark" comment upon import/export.
Find dialog units display no longer cuts off longer unit names such as "Pixels/inch".
Contact Sheet Header/Footer images with extensions TIF and JPG now acceptable. Already allowing PSD, PICT, PNG, BMP, GIF.
Mac OS X 10.5.8 or later
QuickTime 7.3.1 or later