List of all models produced and / or unreleased Hyundai Motor Company, except for vehicles intended for vnutrikoreyskogo market (eg, Starex), the model divided into groups (cars, SUVs / minivans / vans, commercial) and by region. The catalog can identify the vehicle by VIN (with filtering part numbers), the search for the name of spare parts (partial or complete), original number, and also shows the applicability detaley.Imeetsya list of options with the interpretation that facilitates selection of the desired number in the absence of VIN-filter.The choice of language is possible separately for the program's interface, and separately for the name of spare parts.
Translated titles of spare parts are not always correct, so it is best configured to include "language titles Parts" - english. Built-in catalog of original accessories, present in some of the previous versions, is represented here not for all models.
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1. After installation is complete abandon reboot and replace the original file mg16.dll the folder containing the Microcat at that, which is in the hand (folder Lekarstvo). File with the same name must delete the folder Windows \ system32.
2. If you wish to work with all regions, and directories - the rules hywc.dat in the data directory (the search procedure can be found here on the torrent).
3. Reboot and enjoy.
4. In the Update is the last official update for the program. (After it is installed - Repeat steps 1.)