iTrash 1.6.2 Mac OSX



iTrash 1.6.2 | Mac OSX

Applications distribute several files throughout your system storage devices. Deleting a application itself is mostly not enough and will leave several files untouched.
iTrash uses a special search algorithm to find all related files and deletes them when asked.
Simple drag&drop
Enabled ‘Put Back’ feature in trash (OS X 10.6 only)
QuickLook support (OS X 10.6 only)
Ghost Mode : Background mode. Drop something into the trash and iTrash pops up.
Expert mode : To find even more possible related files.
Finds visible and hidden files.
Also removes Widgets and PrefPanes.
Scans inside folders for applications.
Protect default applications.
Protect custom applications and folders.
Protect related applications files (.plist, application support, …)
Sparkplug to keep up-to-date.
Does not need Spotlight to be enabled.
Localized : English, Dutch (Peter Dewulf), Polish (Daniel Firlej),German (Christoph Schmitz), Spanish (Miguel Bernal), Italian (Stefano D’Armini), Slovak (Jan Sulin), Turkish, (Mehmet Merih), Persian (Navid Paya), French (Ronald A. Leroux). More to come..
Compatible with OS X 10.5+
Version 1.6.2:
Faster searching of sub folders.
Fixed bug that crashed the demo when choosing Quit.
Demo version is reset.