Garmin City Navigator OESTE EUROPA probado en Garmin Nuvi 1300


Nuev@ Applesan@
El mapa más nuevo de Europa Oeste solo descomprimir y copiar en su GPS. Probado en mi Garmin Nuvi 1300. Que lo disfruten, saludos.
To run on devices and programs that do not understand the files larger than 2 GB. Since the entire map is not defined, I made ​​a cutting of individual countries and almost all of Europe.
In order to use multiple cards at once, change the name cards on Gmapsupp, Gmapsup2, Gmappprom, Gmapprom1, Gmapoem.
On iron navigators memory card supports only the card with the name Gmapsupp.
Tested on Garmin mobile XT
All the cards are unlocked.