GameCube: James Bond 007 Night Fire (2009)


Nuev@ Applesan@
he games based on the world's most famous superspy, James Bond, have taken a strange turn over the last several years: They've all been run-and-gun first-person shooters. That may seem obvious, and yet the character himself certainly doesn't walk around movie screens with a weapon for 90 minutes, shooting anything that gets in his way. While most of the games haven't done a particularly good job of making you feel like a secret agent with tons of options at your fingertips, these Bond shooters have always been at least competent, with the wildly popular and then-revolutionary GoldenEye 007 for the Nintendo 64 being the lone standout. The latest Bond game, James Bond 007: NightFire, inches itself away a bit from the run-of-the-mill action script, injecting a more interesting storyline and more classically cool James Bond moves into the mix. While any new Bond game seems doomed to live in the shadow of GoldenEye 007, this one at least tries something different.

he level design in the single-player section of the game is solid. You'll occasionally find more than one way to tackle a problem--the difference is usually between simply running in with your guns blazing or trying to find a stealthier way to achieve your goal. The objectives are good and give you a lot of chances to execute cool Bond-like maneuvers. You'll use a decrypter to crack door keycodes, upload a virus into Phoenix's computer system, and use your watch laser to melt hinges off doors, grates, and safes. In one case, you'll have to avoid detection by a building full of guards, invisible alarm sensors, and video cameras.