FL Studio Producer Edition 10.0.2, un potente secuenciador para mac

Snow leopard

Applesan@ Active
FL Studio Producer 10 para Mac se ha convertido en una herramienta popular tanto para amateurs como para músicos profesionales, gracias a su step sequencer y piano roll de fácil uso. Tiene un valor comercial competitivo frente a las demás herramientas de su estilo, amplio soporte para los estándares industriales, varias posibilidades de automatización y efectos de calidad. Por otro lado, tras adquirir una copia de FL Studio, se puede actualizar gratis cada vez que sale una nueva versión.

All to create the tracks in one package. FL Studio 10 - is the processing of audio editing including pitch harmonize fit the material to the song tempo the definition of bits and advanced audio system cuts.

Automation interface of most plug-ins and all the parameters by writing drawing automation curves the use of generats automation and everything is available on the platfm of Mac OS.

Features of Programmes at:

FL Studio can be controlled from another DAW as VST connected to ReWire.

Ideal f live perfmances including a great visualization and visual effects. Make mixes and remixes using effects such as delay reverberato filters and much me. Multitrack recding.

Wash down and control the MIDI keyboard with your other midi controllers.

Unique in its class system aranzhirovaniya composition and advanced sequencer.

FL can also be a host f your favite VST plug-in fmats 32 & 64 bit VST 2.4 & VST 3 DX and the native FL fmat plug-ins.

What's New in Version 10.0.2:

- Hundreds of enhancements optimizations and bug fixes.
- Suppt f 64bit plugins - Wrapper now automaticalldetects the 64bit plug-ins and opens them in a mode of 'Bridged'.

- New button plus sign (+) on the channel window and sequencer.
- adds pattern and opens a window to assign a name to it.

- Small scrollbars in the edits - in the midi edit playlist etc.
- Hizontal approach - ulutsheno a midi edit and pleliste
- Improving access memy - the two main Amendments.
- 32 & 64 Bit VST can be opened in mode 'Bridged'.

The maximum amount of memy allocated by the plugin will be 2Gb f Windows 32bit and up to 192Gb on Windows 64bit.

In the options and audio clips kanallah sampler option appeared Keep on disk (write to disk) - now open in samples isolated memy space.

- Improved audio settings
- ASIO: option 'Mix in bufferswitch' and 'Triple buffer'mogut improve perfmance on some ASIO drivers. ASIO / Primary Sound: options reviewed
"Playback tracking" interface to troubleshoot a situation where the buggy sound card.

- Autosave / Auto Recovery
- FL Studio can now be tasked with saving the current project at intervals of five to fifteen minutes.
Revised Playlist:

- You can change the size of the tracks - Ctrl + middle mouse button f the size of Amendments.

- Instumenty Preview / playback - press Alt + RMB to listen to audio clips and patterns.

- Tool Playlist Preview - Play audio event by clicking Playback.

- Individual change the width of the tracks. Also each of the tracks can be fixed in a certain amount of Types of markers Live Playlist

- Live markers may be in the mood zachiklivanie pause pass (good f live perfmances)

- Ctrl + B - duplication events
Midi edit:

- Save as sheet music sheet - now your pts can be expted in the fm of scenes.

- Magic lasso - tracing around the clip (in playlist) music (in midi edit) without clicking to select them.

- Editing the shadow of notes - double-click on the shadow RMB note (ghost note)

- Vertical + zoom settings specific notes are now visible.

- Display fm behind WAV midi midi edit of the party.

- Ctrl + B - duplication.

- New zagruglenny fm of notes.

- And me.

Large type mixer sound + display fms
Fully automatic delay compensation (the default f all new projects)
New plugins:
Newtone - pitch editing
Pitcher - Edit pitch
Patcher - the purpose effect plug-ins f creation of complex integrated effects
ZGameEdit Visualizer - the effect of rendering