dupeGuru Picture Edition v2.4.0 MacOSX


dupeGuru Picture Edition v2.4.0 | MacOSX

dupeGuru Picture Edition is a tool to find duplicate pictures on your computer.

  • dupeGuru PE is efficient. Find your duplicate pictures in minutes, thanks to its quick fuzzy matching algorithm. Not only can dupeGuru PE find exact matches, but it can also find duplicates among pictures of different kind (PNG, JPG, GIF etc..) and quality.
  • dupeGuru PE is customizable. You can tweak its matching engine to find exactly the kind of duplicates you want to find. The Preference page of the help file lists all the scanning engine settings you can change.
  • dupeGuru PE is safe. Its engine has been especially designed with safety in mind. Its reference directory system as well as its grouping system prevent you from deleting pictures you didn't mean to delete.
  • Compare any picture format. dupeGuru PE supports JPG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP and PSD formats. All these formats can be compared together.
  • Do whatever you want with your duplicates. Not only can you delete duplicates pictures dupeGuru PE finds, but you can also move or copy them elsewhere. You can also easily weed the bad duplicates out, thanks to the Power Marker.
Version 2.4.0:

  • Added multiple-selection in folder selection dialog for a more efficient folder removal.
  • Fixed a crash in the prioritize dialog.
  • Fixed a bug where mass marking with a filter would mark more than filtered duplicates.
  • Fixed random hard crashes.
  • Added Czech localization by Aleš Nehyba.
  • Added Italian localization by Paolo Rossi.
  • Added Armenian localization by Hrant Ohanyan.
  • Added Russian localization by Igor Pavlov.
Intel, Mac OS X 10.6 or later