Captain Claw


Nuev@ Applesan@
Captain Claw


Release Date: September 1997 | Platform(s): PC

Join forces with Captain Claw, the greatest cat pirate ever to challenge the Cocker Spaniard Armada! Embark on an epic quest to recover the lost gems of the Amulet of Nine Lives. Uncover hidden treasure, navigate tricky terrain, and engage in armed combat to defeat the enemies of the courageous and legendary Captain Nathaniel J. Claw.

* Up-to-64-player, internet capable, arcade-style action adventure game
* Blazing pistols, exploding dynamite, mystical magic and other projectile weapons
* Loads of treasure and special powerups

System Requirements:
CPU: Pentium 75 or equivalent
Memory: 16 MG RAM
Video System: DirectXTM accelerated video card w/2 MB video RAM
Audio System: sound card
Distribution Media Drive: CD-Rom Version: 4x CD-ROM drive; DVD Version: DVD drive
OS: WindowsTM 95