Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead 2010


Nuev@ Applesan@
Three years after the Chernarus conflict in the original Arma 2, a new flashpoint explodes in the Green Sea Region. Coalition forces led by the U.S. Army are deployed to Takistan to quickly restore peace and prevent further civilian casualties. You will enlist in various roles in the U.S. Army, from basic infantrymen, through special operatives, to pilots and tank crew in this new installment in the award-winning line-up of military simulators.

Requisitos del sistema recomendados:
SO: Windows XP, Windows Vista o Windows 7
CPU: CPU de cuatro núcleos
RAM: 1 GB de RAM
VGA: Tarjeta gráfica con 512 MB VRAM y-Shader Model 3.0
DX: DirectX 9.0c