And Yet It Moves v1.1.1 (2009/PC/ENG)


And Yet It Moves v1.1.1 (2009/PC/ENG)
Logical platform game in the extraordinary world of extraordinary character, assembled from scraps of notebook. He can jump, run, and most importantly, to rotate the screen 90 degrees. Couple clicks - and the floor becomes the ceiling. Without the ability to use this opportunity can not get out of some blind alleys. The game objective is commonplace - to find a way to level, spending as little time.

• Excellent implementation of space management
• A stylish and unusual design
• Ease of development and lots of opportunities

List of changes Version 1.1.1:
• Optimum performance scripting in general
• Increased productivity of pulsating objects
• Removed a lot of unnecessary sounds
• Improved player traffic on the scaling of objects
• Overall improvement in the performance of time management
• Fixed various bugs
• Added sounds strained in key situations
• Adapted hint images
• Background menu, more beautiful - shows the shading in the game now
• Extended partition loans

Minimum System Requirements:
System: 2000/Xp/VISTA/7
Processor: 1 GHz
Memory: 512 MB
Video Card: 128 MB Video
Sound Card: compatible with DirectX 8