Age of Empires III v.1.0.5 Mac OS X


Age of Empires III v.1.0.5 Mac OS X

Experience the Age of Discovery through amazing 3D graphics. Crush your enemies with devastating cannons and rifled infantry. Navigate your naval fleet to claim strategic waterways. Build cities with towering cathedrals and forge a thriving empire with a booming economy. It's all at your fingertips in Age of Empires III.

The revolutionary new Home City feature is unlike anything you've experienced before in a real-time strategy game. Much like a persistent character in a role-playing game, your Home City is a support system that regularly sends you supplies or military reinforcements. As you get better, your Home City becomes stronger, allowing you to unlock new types of soldiers or buildings, broaden your tech tree and customize the appearance of your city. You can even visit your Home City to watch its citizens, get an opinion on how you're doing or plot your next move.

Age of Empires III gives you an amazing amount of control over your side of the battlefield. You're in control of large and diverse armies of infantry, cavalry, artillery, Native American warriors, mercenaries and ships. You can assign different formations to your army, like Volley, Charge or Bombard, or have the game automatically choose the most appropriate formation for you.

Age of Empires III isn't just one of the best-looking real-time strategy games ever, it's one of the best-looking games of any kind ever. Tone-mapping gives scenes a photorealistic look by balancing colors in a scene. Units and buildings cast realistic shadows based on the sun's position. Water glistens like water, foams near the shore and its reflections change with the viewing angle.

Mac OS X 10.3.9 or later
1.2 Ghz PowerPC G4, PowerPC G5, or Intel Processor
512 Megabytes ( MB ) of RAM
2.5 Gigabytes ( GB ) of available hard disk space
DVD or compatible drive (The DVD is required to play the game)
3D graphics adapter with hardware T&L and 64 Megabytes (MB) of VRAM
Optional Multiplayer games require LAN or Internet access via Cable or DSL Modem

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Amigo, lamento tener que ser yo quien te comunique que los archivos ya no se encuentran en el sitio donde los dejaste.