Actualización Microsoft Office 2010


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Actualización Microsoft Office 2010

It is unclear if the leak TP1 Office Building 2010 will be the version which will be officially released by Microsoft in July. And it is still not clear whether Microsoft will make available to the public for Office 2010 beta downloads, what is said, will have 2 beta - Beta 1 in July 2009 and another Beta 2 in November 2009.

The beta is said to be different from Technical Preview, where TP is simply designed as a step in the engineering development of Office 2010 and related products that leader who reaches RTM in July 2009, according to the Office 2010 It Blog.

Office 2010 is RTM and released as final product in March 2010, with the exception of Exchange Server 2010, Exchange Server 2010 where beta is already available from official download links.